The First Step to Spirituality: Knowing Yourself

As we embark on our spiritual journey, it’s essential to recognize that true growth begins with self-awareness. While community and group activities can foster a sense of belonging and support, they can also distract us from the most critical aspect of spirituality: understanding ourselves.

In our eagerness to connect with God, we often focus on external practices and rituals, neglecting the importance of introspection. Many seekers of the truth keep themselves very busy with church services, prayer groups, and other religious activities, but in doing so, we might overlook the opportunity to explore our own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.

Jesus’ teachings remind us that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us and around us. However, we often prioritize seeking the kingdom through external means, which involve constant religious community activities, acceptance, and validation over introspection. This type of focus results in unconsciously displacing your inward journey of self-discovery, for an identity based on external expectations.

The Path to Seeing God

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8, KJV). This verse traditionally interpreted as a call to live a sinless life with devotion and righteousness. However, we propose a different understanding. The “Pure Heart” referred to in this verse is not just a symbol of devotion but rather a mind free from the clutter of limiting beliefs, trauma, and external programming. 

Through meditation and self-reflection, we can cleanse our minds of the “junk” that obscures our ability to see and understand our true nature. By getting to the root of our feelings, thoughts, and emotions, we can release the conditioning that has shaped our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. When we talk about “seeing God,” we don’t mean a literal vision but an understanding that comes from a clear and open mind. By letting go of limiting beliefs, we can perceive and experience God’s presence and life lessons for our growth, healing, and overall betterment. This understanding might come in ways that differ from your expectations, allowing a new spiritual transformation. 

Join Our Meditation Group

At Temple of Mul, we believe that true growth and spiritual transformation are attainable with detailed guidance. We provide free guided meditation to everyone. Through our Spiritual Transformation Process, you can heal from emotional pain, release limiting beliefs, and clean your mind so that you can genuinely know yourself and God. Our community welcomes people from all religions and walks of life. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive space where you can explore your spirituality.

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